Red Grape

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This fruit have red colour for its peel and flesh which contain B6, C and potassium, calcium, Iron and magnesium.

Red grapes would be supply in tropical area of Iran such as Sistan and Balogestan, Fars and Khorasan. It also would be packed in basket, box or bulk size.

To maintain Red Grape It should be stored from 0 to 5 temperature of centigrade and moisture should be 85 to 95 percent and keeping time can be 2 to 3 month period for storage.

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The main part of this fruit is distributed domestically in Iran and some remaining part to be transport and exported to neighbourings countries by refrigeration containers specially to Basin or area of the Persian-Gulf (through the sea) to Russia, European common wealth and so on.

The red grape is effective in elimination of toxin from the body, improve kidney disease and weight loss.

The red grape can be used in smoothies and row fruits.

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